i was asked, today: what emotion do you write from? and the answer was as easy as breathing, thoughtless, instinctual - *hunger* and then i paused to think, to doubt this is nature to the physicist, to second-guess, to absorb the anxiety disorder as being, well, *natural*, disorder as in entropy, and not as in the effect of persistent clutter on the human mind that we immediately know the answer makes doubtworthy the axioms; that we doubt them makes them worthy of being considered true, considered *real*, side by side in the textbooks with newton and planck, boltzmann, euler, tesla, all the others whose names have been forgotten (or, far more likely, stolen, which is like being forgotten but with more intent, with layers of forgetting that the forgetting even happened to begin with caroline herschel, with katherine johnson, with ada lovelace, with marie curie, with rosalind franklin, with henrietta lacks) i could keep going ad infinitum, dredge up from the silt where asteroid fragments and space junk coagulate and wash ashore, eventually: a name i heard once and forgot, or a name i've never even heard, that nobody alive in the last five hundred years has heard, a name that has never yet been spoken, for each and every glass plate in the henry draper catalog (which, by the way, could be named after any manner of people, and it would sadden me to pick only a few, but even that would be better than what it is now. at least, i tell myself, at least it's not as bad as that telescope, that *fucking* telescope, prismatic eyes staring out, out, out farther than ever before, and yet its namesake still would never see the truth of the hands and faces around the periphery, the edges of his field of vision - and the other thing too - which is that we refuse to speak his name we honor the shoulders of giants whom his kind trampled to reach past gravity *ad astra per aspera* *ad infinitum per astra*) but back to the textbooks, for a moment back to the scientific method as applied to emotion and the implications of doubt. we have laid out the steps as they occur in nature, on the cosmic blackboard drawing lines between our martyrs' names yet unspoken thus in this cyclical manner with doubt (or what's some synonym?) inserted between each step we find our way to the theory (in the scientific sense) by which hunger is universal and i am penning a hypothesis that actually, the emotion i write from is gravity and i want tenderness the way gravity wants to devour the sun i hunger for proofs between my jaws mouth full of clutter a thousand damaged rattling cacophonic things the hunger metamorphoses to a beast a towering colossus, a wretched radiant thing and we are back where we started with the fundamental force driving my thoughts to tangible form *ad astra per corpus* *per astra ad infinitum*