welcome to the flesh zone

my name is kieran. you can also call me leon or ace. i'm an astrophysics student by day and a plague doctor* by night. i create Things and Stuff for fun. for pronouns and more info go here.

this site is a work in progress.

last updated 8/27/22

here's a single piece of my art until i add a page for it


current tasks:

*obligatory disclaimer that i am not an actual doctor nor do i claim to have any medical experience (which is kind of on par with most real historical plague doctors but shhhh).i will post sources on "plaguecore" and such for the curious sometime soon when i update the site. in the meantime, although it kind of ruins the immersion, the tl;dr is that plague doctors are one of my special interests and i enjoy drawing and writing about characters inspired by them as well as donning a plague doc fit for fun. i just think its neat dot jpeg